about us

who Am I?


Hi! My Name Wes the head photographer here at wes young photography

I’ve been crazy about cinema and photography my entire life. I started shooting my own versions of my favorite movies with my friends in my front yard when I was about 10, and bought my first Nikon camera as soon as I could afford one. Created a dark room in my garage. I’ve spent about the last 20 years making movies and shooting photos.

Photography fills me with excitement and a deep sense of fulfillment. Witnessing people share and celebrate the photos I’ve taken is incredibly rewarding, as I feel I’ve contributed positively to their lives, even if it’s just a fleeting moment. With senior portraits especially, I know these images will be treasured forever.

That’s why I continue to do what I do: to create meaningful art that moves people.

my social media:

Self Portrait Time-lapse of the Milkyway